databases available on server


Returns a list of databases

database (schema) containing collections (tables)


Returns the list of collections (tables) in the specified database


Creates a new database (no request body is required).


Drops the database

register a regular table as a feature collection


a collection (table) of GeoJSON features.


Returns the metadata associated with this collection. The metadata consists of:

  • the name of the collection
  • the spatial extent of the complete collection
  • the index-level (not used)
  • the type of the (required) id property (either 'text' or 'decimal')
  • the number of features currrently in the collection

Creates a collection, using the metadata specified in the request body


Drops the collection, and all associated database objects (views, metadata, etc.)

Resource for executing transactions against the specified collection.


POST a stream of GeoJson features to this resource for bulk upload or insert.

The features must be seperated by a newline.


POST a delete specification. A delete specification is a json object having a query property, which contains a query expression


POST an update specification. An update specification is a json object having query and update properties. The query property holds a query expression that specifies the features to update. The update property holds a replacement feature.


POST a stream of GeoJson features to this resource for bulk upsert into the specified collection.

The features must be seperated by a newline.

An upsert performs an update if the collection already contains the feature, and an insert otherwise. Features are identified by their id property.


Executes a query on the specified collection and returns a stream of features (separated by a newline character). The bbox and query parameters are ANDed together.


Executes a query to find the distinct values, using the projection parameter. The bbox and query parameters are ANDed together.


Executes the query on the specified collection and returns the result in a Json response object.

The only difference between this and the /query request, is that the query request returns the object as a stream of objects (http chunked encoded), and this request a single Json object. The returned object contains


Gets the indexes defined on the specified collection.

Note: in addition to the indexes listed in the response, there will always be also a spatial index, and an index on the id property.


Creates the index on the specified collection.

If the regex property is specified and set to true a GIST index will be created using the tigram matching functions of the pg_trgm extension. If this extension has not been created in the database, index creation will fail.


GETs index definition


Deletes the specified index

A Resource for managing views on the collection.


Returns the list with View descriptions

This resource represents a View defined on the specified collection.


Creates a View


Returns the view defintion


Deletes the view